19 Nov 2013
By Belle

Track your baby with a teddy bear and more: Quantified Self weekly links

1. ReadWrite Editor-in-Chief Owen Thomas on how big a role bluetooth plays in his fitness routine

I realized that Bluetooth, a 15-year-old wireless technology, has quietly become a ubiquitous part of nearly all new fitness hardware, replacing awkward cables and proprietary networking links.

Call me selfish, but I’m most interested in how Bluetooth, now that it’s the ubiquitous networking layer of the fitness world, could help me run faster, lift more weight, rest better, and get even healthier.

2. Track your baby with this teddy bear


A $99 plush bear called Tedi to monitor your baby’s crying, temperature and motor skill development is available for pre-order now.

3. How Your Mood Affects the Self-Quantified Revolution

An interesting article on tracking mood and what that could lead to (something we’re looking forward to exploring with Exist):

For example, you are sad because you broke up with your significant other, or something unfortunate happens. You go to the fridge to indulge in a tub of ice cream. But your smartwatch senses you’re sad, alerting you to your emotional decision to break the diet it’s also helping you track and manage. From there your smartphone could also suggest going for a run, as endorphins, released when you engage in physical activity, can boost overall mood to happier levels.

4. My Case Against Longevity Research

Some arguments against research to help us live longer which caught my eye. Definitely some things to think about, for instance:

Most of longevity research focuses on biohacking and health, but almost no one talks about sustainability. Most of those supplements, diets and other “hacks” and health maintenance are expensive. Unless you are self-employed or rich, you can’t support yourself financially forever

5. Andrew Tarvin explains his Perfect day experiment

The first five minutes of this video are really interesting. Andrew explains how he’s been tracking daily habits like eating fruits and vegetables, exercising and getting up without hitting snooze on his alarm since 2011.

He talks about how he tracks his habits, what motivates and de-motivates him and how his habits have changed over time.

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