29 Dec 2013
By Belle

Sleep stats and automatic lifelogging: Quantified Self weekly links

sleeping man

1. Polyphasic sleep

A story about a man who's been practising polyphasic sleep for the past two years, sleeping 3.5 hours per night. He adds three 20-minute naps during the day to supplement missed REM cycles at night.

Dubovoy receives short-wave restoration during his “core” night sleep — from 1 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. — and tricks his body into immediately entering REM during his naps to make up for the loss of the last sleep cycles during the night.

2. Sensoria Smart Sock

The team behind the Sensoria sensors have created a sock to track the way you run. The sock has sensors embedded into the sole and works with an anklet that transmits the data to your phone using Bluetooth.

3. Record everything you say

The Kickstarter project for an automatic audio-recording wristband called Kapture was funded in October with over $162,000 raised. If you missed out, or you're not keen on waiting around for a ~$99 wristband to record the audio of your life, the Heard app can do the same thing on your phone.

4. The Battle For Global Sports Brand Supremacy

A short opinion piece on the battle between major sports brands to find the perfect technology integration:

The battle for global sports brand supremacy is increasingly dependent on leaders being able to find best of breed technology partners or targets that they can inspire, inform and influence without disrupting their unique ability to innovate

5. OptimizeMe

This iPhone app isn't available publicly yet, but it seems like it could be useful if you want to visualise all of your quantified data in one place (i.e. it could be a mobile-based competitor to Exist!).

You can sign up to be notified when it's released on the homepage and check out a mini Q&A with the team on Product Hunt.


  • Beam Brush: a Quantified Self toothbrush
  • Trace: a tracker for extreme sports
  • Interview with Buster Benson: around 9 minutes in, Buster has some interesting points about privacy vs. making your quantified data public
  • Narrative: the Memoto lifelogging camera, renamed (and a couple of reviews)
  • Vigo: Kickstarter for a wearable device to track your alertness
  • Lifepath.me: a timeline of important life events. Here's a list of Lifepaths people have created.

Image credit: basykes

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