Our values

Your data won't go wandering

We don't, and won't ever, sell your data. You pay for Exist. You (and your data) are not the product.

Get your data out any time

Use the export function on your account page or access our API to get a copy of your data whenever you like.

Responsible data access

When you connect another service, we'll never ask for access to more of your data than we need to in order to make Exist useful.

Your data is for you

Exist is a personal product. We're not building features to let your boss, colleagues, or coach see your data.


We don't chase trends and won't be stuffing large language models into Exist to hallucinate what your data means. We stick with old-fashioned statistical methods.

No investors

We're making money to pay ourselves a living wage, not to make rich people richer.

Founders only

We're a two-person company, so any time you need support you'll talk directly to one of the founders of Exist.

Transparent earnings

Our stats page updates every week, directly from our payment processor. See exactly how much we're making and watch us slowly grow.

Public, transparent roadmap

Suggest and vote for your favourite features and integrations on our roadmap. See what we're working on while we work. We're committed to prioritising what users want most.

No mobile or web analytics

We finally turned off Google Analytics so we have no third-parties watching how you use the site.

Permanent deletion

If you choose to delete your account, your data goes with you. Everything about you in the Exist database is permanently wiped.

(We still need to keep payment records and any support emails you send, but everything else is gone.)

Sign up now

$6.99 / month USD
or $62.90 / year (25% off)

Unlimited connections, data points, and insights.
Use Exist on web, Android, and iOS.

Start your free 30-day trial, then pay $6.99 per month.

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